• og = certified organically produced
  • gf = gluten free
  • v = vegan
  • ft = fair trade
  • st = stock item 
  • x = not splittable (whole case only)


Chamomile or camomile (from Greek, chamaimelon, meaning "earth-apple") is a common name for several daisy-like plants. The word, a combination of chamai ("on the ground") + melon ("apple"), derives from their applelike scent. It has been used as a dye to produce a green colour. Chamomile contains coumarin, a naturally-occurring compound with anticoagulant or blood-thinning effects. It should not be combined with warfarin or other medications or supplements that have the same effect or be used by people with bleeding disorders. It shouldn't be used two weeks before or after surgery.


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