Together Health Hemp CBD Suppliment / 5x60


Unlike isolated CBD, Together's full-spectrum hemp powder capsules contain complete hemp plant material that has been ground, sifted and heated with no additional processing. This ensures a whole spectrum of cannabis with over 500 compounds, including cannabinoids, terpenes, flavonoids, essential oils and many other beneficial compounds. Key points: Organically grown full-spectrum hemp powder capsules containing phytocannabinoids and essential Oils - Futura 75 EU-approved strain for optimum effectiveness - Each recommended dose provides 10mg of CBD - Includes Piperine (black pepper extract) for improved absorption - Ingredients independently batch tested for purity and potency


Full Spectrum Hemp Powder (Cannabis Sativa L.) with naturally occurring Cannabidiol (CBD), Black pepper extract (piper nigrum root). Capsule (Vegetable cellulose).

Allergy Info:

For allergens, please refer to the manufacturer website for latest info. Alternatively, you can contact us on 0114 258 6056 or email at

If you have any verifiable information regarding allergies relating to this item, please let us know

Dietary / Splittable icon key:

og = certified organically produced
gf = gluten free
v = vegan
ft = fair trade
st = stock item
x = not splittable (whole case only)